Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Soros on the Ropes?

Soros on the Ropes?

It is no longer easy being a meddlesome multi-billionaire who overthrows governments with the snap of a finger. Soros has not only alienated the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom but now the President of the United States. Soros is also enemy number one among the leaders of China. With such an array of enemies, it is doubtful Soros will have any more political successes like Ukraine or Georgia. With all of his billions, Mr. Soros now only commands a «paper doll army».

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot

Like Hans Hoppe, Kuehnelt-Leddihn saw a fundamental opposition between democracy and liberty. The Left seeks to eradicate all distinctions, and to do so it must suppress liberty. Democracy is not liberty’s friend, but rather its enemy, because it opposes efforts by individuals to set themselves above the masses.  The Left does not wish its dogmas to be examined critically, and it is hardly a surprise that many mainstream liberal publishers rejected Leftism. Fortunately, Arlington House was never afraid to swim against the current, and the book gained a wide and appreciative audience on its appearance in 1974. The book’s editor at Arlington House was none other than Lew Rockwell, the founder of the Mises Institute.

Obama secretly screws young People on his way out the door


Friday, January 27, 2017

Voter fraud proven


"Lame Stream" media by Jon gaunt


The Green Movement

The Green Movement

Excerpt: Florida State University Geology Professor William Tanner: “Tanner plotted 4000 years of sea-level data on 5,000 years of climatological data published in last year’s Encyclopedia of Climatology and found some interesting correlations. Every time the climate warmed a couple of degrees, the sea level went down. Every time the climate cooled a couple of degrees, the sea level went up. This happened four times, each cycle taking about 100 years, and spaced about 900 years apart.”

The Right’s Phantom Menace

The Right’s Phantom Menace

When it comes to how the right should deal with Hollywood leftism, Andrew Breitbart, much as he did on the night of his passing, took a long way home. He advocated a complex battle plan to deal with a problem that, it turns out, has a deceptively simple solution. During his life, he worked tirelessly to popularize the phrase “Politics is downstream from culture,” and he never wasted an opportunity to pound that message into the heads of conservatives. 

Peso Plummets

Peso Plummets

Mexico now finds itself in a double bind, squeezed not only by Trump, but also by its partner Canada, which as we reproted last night, has left Mexico on its own. Recall that Canada will focus on preserving its U.S. trade ties during talks to renegotiate NAFTA and may not be able to help Mexico avoid being targeted by the Trump administration, Canadian government sources say.“We love our Mexican friends. But our national interests come first and the friendship comes second,” 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

An Anti-Aging Pill

An Anti-Aging Pill

Is this actually possible?  In an overlooked study published in 2008 researchers compared a calorie restricted diet to a normal diet + the red wine molecule resveratrol or resveratrol + other small antioxidant molecules in laboratory mice.  Mice have about the same number of genes (~25,000) as humans. 
Life-long calorie restriction in a mouse activates ~832 genes.   In a short-term 12-week study, the calorie-restricted diet significantly differentiated the activity of 198 genes and presumably would have altered 832 genes if practiced over a lifetime; plain resveratrol altered 225 genes and strikingly the resveratrol + other antioxidants (Longevinex®) 1711 genes.  [Experimental Gerontology Sept 2008]

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Everything Will Be Laid Bare

Everything Will Be Laid Bare

Everything is uncovered and laid bare…”
…and not just to God’s eyes.  The two sides are now made obvious for all to see.  For those who still present the face of the mainstream, there is no excuse – the position is purposefully taken.  They are on the side of an evil (I do not use the word lightly) power – a power always present yet growing (in our time) with the advent of progressivism.
We now live among our enemies, all around us.  Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers; if they parrot the mainstream, consider them your enemy.  It is not difficult to see the tension escalate to extremes – ultimately leading to a true totalitarian government and/or civil war.

Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the Rear

Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the Rear

The LA TIMES editorial board says: “Obama’s White House was free of the corruption that tarnished the administrations of some of his predecessors.”  
So exactly what was the $535 million giveaway to a solar panel company called Solyndra?  The US Treasury Department is said to be sitting on an even bigger multi-billion dollar fraud investigation involving government-backed loans the President offered as part of his green energy program.  The Treasury Department was supposed to have turned over a report in June of 2015 but failed to do so.
Obamacare was a heist of young Americans’ money
What was the giveaway to health insurance companies called “Obamacare” that forced young healthy Americans and others who refused to buy health insurance to have to buy insurance, or else face fines? 

Friday, January 13, 2017

The deep states coup on trump


Neocons Have Declared War Again

Neocons Have Declared War Again

All of the above further confirms to me what I have been saying over the past weeks: if Trump ever makes it into the White House (I write ‘if’ because I think that the Neocons are perfectly capable of assassinating him), his first priority should be to ruthlessly crack down as hard as he legally can against those in the US “deep state” (which very much includes the media) who have now declared war on him.  I am sorry to say that, but it will be either him or them – one of the parties here will be crushed.
Sidebar: to those who wonder what I mean by “crackdown” I will summarize here what I wrote elsewhere: the best way to do that is to nominate a hyper-loyal and determined FBI director and instruct him to go after all the enemies of Trump by investigating them on charge of corruption, abuse of power, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and all the other types of behavior which have gone on forever in Congress, the intelligence community, the banking world and the media.

The CIA Is a Criminal Org

The CIA Is a Criminal Org

Priceless explanations abound in paragraphs. Valentine writes that the government wages psywar against the American public in various ways for various purposes. For example, the CIA plants deceptive articles in foreign newspapers. Domestic media are notified and dutifully report the stories. Such disinformation or “black propaganda” creates false perceptions that generate public support for military actions or economic sanctions against foreign governments the US government wishes to overthrow, or it can provide assurance for the public that abusive regimes like Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are worthy of massive tax-funded aid programs. In either case, language is the key to creating perceptions and assumptions that make immoral and illegal policies acceptable to the American public.

Trump vs. the Deep State

Trump vs. the Deep State

It’s not Russian TV (for whom I occasionally comment) that is undermining America’s democracy, it’s the nation’s neocon-dominated media pumping out untruths and disinformation. Ironically, Russian TV has become one of the few dissenting voices in North America’s media landscape. Sure it puts out government propaganda. So does CNN, MSNBC, and Fox.  At least RT offers a fresher version.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Soros planning disruption again


Gmo linked to all latest health problems


Obama Power Grab

Obama Power Grab
US elections are decentralized in the hands of the states. There is no national network that would make hacking possible. The Department of Homeland Security can make suggestions to the states for improving the security of elections without declaring federal authority over the elections as “critical infrastructur