Thursday, July 25, 2013



Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Saul about Niacin

Natural Cure for Anxiety and Depression - YouTube

Natural Cure for Anxiety and Depression - YouTube

Congress fails to reign-in the NSA (25July13)

Keiser Report: Market making, or fraud? (25July13)

Keiser Report: Market making, or fraud? (25July13)

Keiser Report: Guest Mitch Feierstein (25July13)

US Pres.Obamas war against whistleblowers (25July13)

NSA Taps Directly Into Undersea Fiber-optic Data Cables

NSA Taps Directly Into Undersea Fiber-optic Data Cables
Despite promises from a few federal lawmakers to hold the Obama administration and the National Security Agency (NSA) accountable for the recently revealed practice of wholesale surveillance of millions of Americans, to date, nothing has been done.
In fact, as The New American reported last week, congressional impotence is likely to let Director of National Intelligence James Clapper escape any accountability for the lies he told under oath while testifying about the scope of the domestic spying program.
Of course, as the mainstream media maintains its attention laser-locked on Edward Snowden — the former NSA contractor who leaked the documents last month — Americans recognize that neither Snowden’s whereabouts nor his love life are of the slightest importance.
What matters is that one branch of the federal government (the executive) is unconstitutionally spying on Americans, another branch of the federal government (the legislative) is refusing to check that exercise of power, and a third branch (the judicial) is rubber-stamping all requests to keep the data pipeline open.
And, as the Atlantic reports, in many cases, a pipeline is exactly what is being tapped by the NSA. Writing for the Atlantic, Olga Khazan reports:


Tea Party Activist,

Below is an important message from one of our sponsors, Citizen Freedom Project. The time now is now Send Every Member of Congress a Pink Slip! You're the Boss!

Citizen Freedom Project is fighting for you.

Tea Party

Dear Patriot,

Enough is enough.

Citizens of the Unites States have had enough of Obama--his lies and cover-ups, flagrant disregard for the truth and his anti-American activities and beliefs. The time has come to IMPEACH!

Today we are asking you to stand up and be heard and send a message to Congress they won't soon forget.

For just $29.95 you can send aPINK SLIP to all 535 members of the House and Senate telling them to IMPEACH OBAMA! Let this Pink Slip serve as "official warning" that they are to put the president on notice NOW!

Do you see it? Everything so many of us have been saying has come to light: the president is a fake, a fraud, a liar and an outright traitor. You can add to that: a total DISASTER.

Look at the damage he's brought upon America:

  • Privacy of innocent Americans is being obliterated thanks to agencies like the NSA spying on us;
  • Votes were suppressed—even STOLEN—as the IRS targeted conservative political groups during the last election;
  • Our right to bear arms under the Second Amendment is in grave jeopardyas this administration attempts their gun-grab every chance it gets. Tyranny has come alive;
  • Now Obama is using the Trayvon Martin case to launch his attempt to obliterate Stand Your Ground laws in 30 states;
  • First Amendment rights are being trampled with wiretapping of the press;
  • 60% of doctors will retire in the coming 3 years as a direct result of Obamacare—a death sentence to many;
  • Obamacare, only in the initial stages, is already a catastrophe, collapsing on itself;
  • 33 million illegals who broke the law coming into our country could soon be rewarded with amnesty—jobs will be stolen from hardworking Americans while wages are diminished;
  • Racial divide is growing bigger not smaller. Obama continually race-baits America and has recently stepped it up, fueling hatred with his own ignorant views on the Trayvon Martin case;
  • Benghazi blood still runs like a river through his hands—and still, justice has not been served but swept under the carpet;
  • He freely gives guns and money to criminals and terrorists in Egypt...andpositions in the White House to radical members of the Muslim Brotherhoodwho influence Obama's policies;
  • Hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars have been spent by Obama and his family on lavish vacations;
  • Has the gall to throw rock star parties at the White House—after closing it to the public.

At every chance he breaks the law and flaunts mass hypocrisy. He and his buddy Eric Holder should be in JAIL.

Oh yes, his true nature has been fully exposed in a way that makes your blood run cold. Even Obama's most diehard defenders are questioning his motives.

We need to strike while the iron is blistering hot.

Tell Citizen Freedom Project to send a PINK SLIP to Congress that clearly states: "Impeach Obama! Put the president on notice--or you're FIRED! Do it right now and we'll get it blasted today to each and every members of the House and Senate--all 535 of them--for just $29.95.

Here's what it looks like:

We have fought long and hard and people are finally opening their eyes to the fake, the fraud, the liar in the White House. In no uncertain terms, we're calling for impeachment.Pink Slips are being sent around the clock.

You can help by sending a Pink Slip in your name to every member of the House and Senate today, telling them, "I fully support IMPEACHING OBAMA! THROW HIM OUT! PUT HIM ON NOTICE NOW OR YOU'RE FIRED!"

Congress is listening and they're angry, too. They know something must be done but need the force of the American people behind them. Let's get that message out today because the list of Obama atrocities grows by the day, sometimes by the hour.

We do not know the final fate the awaits us under his blood-soaked hands...but no good can come of it. Impeachment is not an option, it's a requirement.

Hurry! Plaster Washington with thousands and thousands of Pink Slips--they'll hear us loud and clear. No Congressman wants his or her own reelection put in jeopardy.

Citizen Freedom Project

P.S. - Sending a PINK SLIP to Congress is easy--and it will make a difference. Lawmakers on both sides are nervous. They know the good citizens of America won't stand for it any more. Now, the more PINK SLIPS we blast them with the stronger our message. Stand with the Citizen Freedom Project and for just $29.95 send a PINK SLIP to every member of Congress today telling them to "Put Obama on notice! We the People want him IMPEACHED--or you, dear Congressman, are FIRED!"

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Rand Paul slams Obama's plans for Syria involvement

Navy Seal Team 6 Tragedy - Families Blame Pres Obama For 2011 Crash - Me...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

MR. FISH - July 27 - August 24, 2013 - ROBERT BERMAN GALLERY

MR. FISH - July 27 - August 24, 2013 - ROBERT BERMAN GALLERY

When: Sunday, July 28, 2013 
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 
Where: Robert Berman Gallery at Bergamot Station Arts Center/ 2525 Michigan Ave, STE. B7, Santa Monica, 90404 
What: Robert Scheer and Mr. Fish discuss three-time Pulitzer Prize winning artist Paul Conrad's work and the controversy over preserving his "Chain Reaction" sculpture in Santa Monica.
This Sunday, July 28, join Truthdig's Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and Mr. Fish (Dwayne Booth) for an hour long discussion evaluating three-time Pulitzer Prize winning artist Paul Conrad's work and the controversy over preserving his "Chain Reaction" sculpture in Santa Monica. The talk coincides with the July 27 opening of Mr. Fish's solo exhibition, "Mind Over Body," at Robert Berman Gallery.
The discussion, followed by a brief Q&A, will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Robert Berman Gallery at Bergamot Station Arts Center in Santa Monica. Donations to save the statue are welcome but optional. To RSVP, please email with the subject line reading "RSVP". For more information about Sunday's event, please call the gallery at 310-315-1937.
To read more on the issue of saving "Chain Reaction," check out Bill Boyarsky's latest Truthdig column "Why 'Chain Reaction' Must Be Preserved."

CrossTalk: Who's the terrorist?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Glenn Greenwald: Growing Backlash Against NSA Spying Shows Why U.S. Want...

Michigan congressman aims to defund NSA surveillance program

Michigan congressman aims to defund NSA surveillance program

Secret U.S. Court Extends NSA Authority to Collect Phone Metadata

Secret U.S. Court Extends NSA Authority to Collect Phone Metadata

Secret U.S. Court Extends NSA Authority to Collect Phone Metadata

Written by  
Secret U.S. Court Extends NSA Authority to Collect Phone Metadata
A chief U.S. intelligence official affirmed Friday that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been granted authority to continue collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers. The verdict from the court, authorized by the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), renewed the controversial data-collection campaign that has posed serious threats to Americans’ right to privacy and, in turn, the U.S. Constitution.
In an action propelled by a disclosure in June of the NSA’s collection of Verizon metadata, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a statementasserting that the program has been renewed. The statement reads, in part:
On June 6, 2013, the Director of National Intelligence declassified certain information about this telephony metadata collection program in order to provide the public with a more thorough and balanced understanding of the program. Consistent with his prior declassification decision and in light of the significant and continuing public interest in the telephony metadata collection program, the DNI has decided to declassify and disclose publicly that the Government filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority.

McCain Wants “Stand Your Ground” Laws Reviewed, Just Like Obama and Holder

McCain Wants “Stand Your Ground” Laws Reviewed, Just Like Obama and Holder

Keiser Report: (23July13)

USA expanding drone spying network (23July13)

UK immigration driving UK wages down (23July13)

Ben Bernanke 'doesn't understand' gold (22July13)

Detroit Goes Bankrupt: Will Unelected Manager Pit City’s Needs Against Rights of Pensioners? | Democracy Now!

Detroit Goes Bankrupt: Will Unelected Manager Pit City’s Needs Against Rights of Pensioners? | Democracy Now!

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Keiser Report: Destabilization, Algobots, Counterfeiting (E474)

Activists file first lawsuit over "Ag Gag" filming law

Sim card bug puts users at risk of surveillance & fraud

Monsanto Go Home: EU slams door on GM food amid protests

Monsanto Go Home: EU slams door on GM food amid protests

McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events

McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events

Monday, July 22, 2013

Drones killed more civilians than governments admit

US Extradition Hypocrisy

Gold in backwardation as 'nobody understands gold prices'

Terrorist-friendly? US denies Russian requests to extradite criminals am...

Keiser Report: Simulations, Smoke & Mirrors (E473)

Keiser Report: Simulations, Smoke & Mirrors (E473)

The NSA Isn’t The Only One Spying On You

The NSA Isn’t The Only One Spying On You

Terrorists vs Mount Fuji Ants: Which threat is greater?

Mike Adams on the Alex Jones show discussing the FDA's End Game -

Mike Adams on the Alex Jones show discussing the FDA's End Game -

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

California's prison hunger strike and shadow of Guantanamo -

California's prison hunger strike and shadow of Guantanamo -

About 30,000 California prisoners this week began what could potentially be the biggest prison hunger strike in state history. Out of curiosity, I checked out the petition containing the prisoners’ demands. The first signature belongs to Todd Ashker, a convicted killer incarcerated at Pelican Bay.
He doesn’t sound so bad when you check him out at “Write a Prisoner,” the prison pen pal website. Born under the astrological sign of Cancer, he just turned 50, is separated, and in 2008, earned a paralegal degree.
“Hey, thanks for stopping by to check out my ad!” Ashker writes. “Believe it or not, you’re meeting a man who’s presently spent the last 27 years in a solitary confinement cell — buried alive, treated worse than a subhuman animal, deprived of all normal human contact, all the while doing what I can to maintain my humanity, some sense of sanity, largely relying on a wry sense of humor to keep the madness at bay.”

Obama orders federal workers to spy on each other | Tea Party

Obama orders federal workers to spy on each other | Tea Party
Those failing to report face penalties, criminal charges
(MCCLATCHYDC) — In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents.
The techniques are a key pillar of the Insider Threat Program, an unprecedented government-wide crackdown under which millions of federal bureaucrats and contractors must watch out for “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Those who fail to report them could face penalties, including criminal charges.

Osborne Musical: Puff the Magic Dragon!

Snowden Asylum: Ecuador FM slams Morales jet fiasco, urges more nations ...

Syrian rebels behind Aleppo sarin attack, not Assad forces - Russian inq...

Monsanto Is Losing the Press | Mother Jones

Monsanto Is Losing the Press | Mother Jones
Ah, high summer. Time to read stories about the declining effectiveness of GMO-seed giant Monsanto's flagship products: crops engineered to resist insects and withstand herbicides.
Back in 2008, I felt a bit lonely participating in this annual rite—it was mainly just me andreporters in a the Big Ag trade press. Over the past couple of years, though, it's gone mainstream. Here's NPR's star agriculture reporter Dan Charles, on corn farmers' agrichemically charged reaction to the rise of an insect that has come to thumb its nose at Monsanto's once-vaunted Bt corn, engineered to contain the bug-killing gene of a bacteria called Bacillus thuringiensis:

Monday, July 8, 2013

John Reid on deporting terror suspect and union power (07July13)

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!
Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua have opened the door to granting asylum to National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden in a standoff with the United States. The offers came after a plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales was forced to land in Austria after France and Portugal barred it from their airspace over false suspicions that Snowden was on board. The United States has refused to confirm or deny whether it was responsible. We discuss the latest with Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who broke the NSA surveillance story based on Snowden’s leaks last month. In his latest scoop, Greenwald has revealed the NSA has systematically tapped into Brazil’s telecommunication network and indiscriminately intercepted, 

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!

Glenn Greenwald: "Rogue" Actions of U.S. in Snowden Row Yield Latin American Offers of Asylum | Democracy Now!

Army opens fire on protesters in Egypt, 51 killed

Friday, July 5, 2013


The StopWatching.Us Coalition via 
8:26 PM (12 minutes ago)
to feedurmonkey
Thanks for contacting US Congress and supporting the open Web. Please continue your support by posting this text to wherever you like to share things online. Let's get everyone we know to sign it.

* I support a coalition of action against #NSA surveillance. Join me – ask US Congress to stop the NSA's alleged actions:
* The web is meant to be open and free. Join me in asking US Congress to stop #NSA surveillance:

To share via Twitter:
To share via Facebook:

This is only a first step in making sure the web remains open and free – we'll be in touch with more updates as we fight to protect your right to privacy.

The StopWatching.Us Coalition

» Some Americans Abandon July 4 Celebrations Over “Outrageous” Security Measures Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The StopWatching.Us Coalition via 
8:26 PM (12 minutes ago)
to feedurmonkey
Thanks for contacting US Congress and supporting the open Web. Please continue your support by posting this text to wherever you like to share things online. Let's get everyone we know to sign it.

* I support a coalition of action against #NSA surveillance. Join me – ask US Congress to stop the NSA's alleged actions:
* The web is meant to be open and free. Join me in asking US Congress to stop #NSA surveillance:

To share via Twitter:
To share via Facebook:

This is only a first step in making sure the web remains open and free – we'll be in touch with more updates as we fight to protect your right to privacy.

The StopWatching.Us Coalition

» Some Americans Abandon July 4 Celebrations Over “Outrageous” Security Measures Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk
From massive NSA spying, to IRS targeting of the administration's political opponents, to collection and sharing of our health care information as part of Obamacare, it seems every day we learn of another assault on our privacy. Sadly, this week the Senate took another significant, if little-noticed, step toward creating an authoritarian surveillance state. Buried in the immigration bill is a national identification system called mandatory E-Verify.
The Senate did not spend much time discussing E-Verify, and what little discussion took place was mostly bipartisan praise for its effectiveness as a tool for preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining employment. It is a tragedy that mandatory E-Verify is not receiving more attention, as it will impact nearly every American’s privacy and liberty.
The mandatory E-Verify system requires Americans to carry a “tamper-proof” social security card. Before they can legally begin a job, American citizens will have to show the card to their prospective employer, who will then have to verify their identity and eligibility to hold a job in the US by running the information through the newly-created federal E-Verify database. The database will contain photographs taken from passport files and state driver's licenses. The law gives federal bureaucrats broad discretion in adding other “biometric” identifiers to the database. It also gives the bureaucracy broad authority to determine what features the “tamper proof” card should contain.
Regardless of one’s views on immigration, the idea that we should have to ask permission from the federal government before taking a job ought to be offensive to all Americans. Under this system, many Americans will be denied the opportunity for work. The E-Verify database will falsely identify thousands as "ineligible," forcing many to lose job opportunities while challenging government computer inaccuracies. E-Verify will also impose additional compliance costs on American businesses, at a time when they are struggling with Obamacare implementation and other regulations.
According to David Bier of Competitive Enterprise Institute, there is nothing stopping the use of E-Verify for purposes unrelated to work verification, and these expanded uses could be authorized by agency rule-making or executive order. So it is not inconceivable that, should this bill pass, the day may come when you are not be able to board an airplane or exercise your second amendment rights without being run through the E-Verify database. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the personal health care information that will soon be collected by the IRS and shared with other federal agencies as part of Obamacare will also be linked to the E-Verify system.

3 Young Strangers Recently Met Online - And When They Sing It Sounds Lik...

» FBI Planned to Kill Occupy Leaders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FBI Planned to Kill Occupy Leaders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Occupy Wall Street was targeted due its popularity and the threat it posed to the elite and their financial system. Photo: Michael Fleshman
According to journalist David Lindorff, the FBI planned to assassinate the leaders of the now moribund Occupy movement “via suppressed sniper rifles.”
Lindorff cites a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Washington, DC-based Partnership for Civil Justice Fund.
The redacted document obtained from the FBI in Houston states:
An identified [DELETED] as of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protestors (sic) in Houston, Texas if deemed necessary. An identified [DELETED] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [DELETED] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles.
The FBI confirmed that the document is legitimate.

Stop Watching Us | Stop Watching Us

Stop Watching Us | Stop Watching Us
Sign the Petition

Bees dying by the millions | Local | News | The Post

Bees dying by the millions | Local | News | The Post

'1984 Not Instruction Manual': Major US cities join anti-NSA protest

Venezuela considers asylum for Snowden

Keiser Report, Mark Carney the pole dancer (04July13)

The indiscriminate collection of information on everybody is extremely d...

Weight gain on Phase 3: Fast Metabolism Diet

Curt Schultz, Ron Paul Super Brochure, Endorses "Truth in Media" project

He Has No Drugs And Knows His Constitutional Rights

He Has No Drugs And Knows His Constitutional Rights

NSA Surveillance Disclosures Recall Days of East German STASI

NSA Surveillance Disclosures Recall Days of East German STASI
When Wolfgang Schmidt learned about NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s revelations concerning the agency's ability to collect personal data on millions of American citizens, he was astonished. When he was a lieutenant colonel in East Germany’s secret police, the STASI, his department, was limited to tapping just 40 phones every day. If a decision was made to tap a new phone, one of the others had to be disconnected. Said Schmidt: “For us, this would have been a dream come true ... so much information on so many people!”
Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) employed more than 90,000 people, including 15,000 soldiers in the GDR army and 2,000 full-time collaborators. There were also 175,000 “unofficial” collaborators. One STASI official estimated the total to be closer to 500,000 people, or about five percent of the country’s population at the time.
They were assigned to all major industrial plants as well as schools, universities, and hospitals. Other informants worked as trolley conductors, janitors, doctors, nurses, and teachers — people who had frequent contact with citizens. At its peak the STASI had one informer for every six citizens.

Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say
The prosecution of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin last year appears to be collapsing, thanks in large part to testimony offered by witnesses called by prosecutors, according to legal experts and analysts. Even though the judge refusedto allow Martin’s history of drug use, fighting, and school suspensions into evidence, explosive witness testimony provided during the trial may still prove devastating to authorities and their bid to convict Zimmerman. 

More than a few commentators have suggested that the murder charges were concocted to satisfy race profiteers, the out-of-control U.S. Justice Department, and the establishment media. Critics of the prosecution, including heavy-hitting law professors and attorneys, say prosecutors have engaged in ethical violations in what appears, to many analysts at least, to be an over-zealous bid to convict Zimmerman in the absence of solid evidence.  

FEMA Signs “Exchange” Deal With Russian Government

FEMA Signs “Exchange” Deal With Russian Government
Following outrage and controversy last year over the Obama administration’s unprecedented decision to invite Russian troops for terror drills on U.S. soil, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is now under fire for signing more agreements to “cooperate” with Vladimir Putin’s Russian “Emergencies Ministry” (EMERCOM) in a wide array of fields. Among the controversial deals outlined in an official Russian press release: exchanging of “experts” and “experience,” “provision of security at mass events,” and “cooperation in disaster response operations.” Critics of the scheme reacted with a mixture of fury and deep concerns. 

After the news was picked up in the alternative media, it quickly went viral, stirring widespread fears that Russian forces could be deployed inside the United States under the bogus guise of “security.” Officials from both governments rushed to deny the speculation, trying to downplay the agreements as merely routine international collaboration. However, it remains unclear why the American people would need or want any sort of “assistance” from the Russian government, which, despite the supposed fall of communist tyranny, is still widely regarded as a lawless gangster regime.     

The State Dept. Spend How Much on its Facebook Page?!

Ending the 2-Party Duopoly Through Election Reform

Are the NSA's surveillance programs actually legal?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Andrew McGettigan @ Max Keiser Report: AngloTapes & Banksters Trolololing (E463)

Andrew McGettigan @ Max Keiser Report: AngloTapes & Banksters Trolololing (E463)

Porter Stansberry Reveals the Greatest Threat to the U.S. Economy and One Easy Way to Protect Yourself

Porter Stansberry Reveals the Greatest Threat to the U.S. Economy and One Easy Way to Protect Yourself

Porter Stansberry Reveals the Greatest Threat to the U.S. Economy and One Easy Way to Protect Yourself

Porter Stansberry Reveals the Greatest Threat to the U.S. Economy and One Easy Way to Protect Yourself

McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events

McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events

Will the FED's manipulation continue to impact market prices? Q&A| Pt.3

Turning of the Tide in Gold Sentiment

Tahrir video: Egypt's Morsi ousted, Cairo explodes in fireworks

WEBSTER TARPLEY ~ Will the real Snowden please stand up - July 2 2013

WEBSTER TARPLEY ~ Will the real Snowden please stand up - July 2 2013
In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left
Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....
Bob Dylan
"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."
Serial Killer Richard Ramirez
" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "Glenn Beck 

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones 

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." 
Thomas Jefferson
"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein 

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not. 
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School 
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations." 
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do soThomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki ‏

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki ‏

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security."Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” - 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World 

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb 

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN 

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
 The Rothschild

Amazing - Egypt Fights Back Against Government Helicopter With Lasers

Will the real Snowden please stand up - Webster Tarpley July 2 2013

Will the real Snowden please stand up - Webster Tarpley July 2 2013

Greenwald on Fox: Obama Targeting Snowden 'To Intimidate Future Whistle ...

Egyptian Pres. Morsi Strikes Down Army's Ultimatum While Deadline Quickl...

CrossTalk: Egypt's Showdown

'Imperial Skyjacking': Bolivian pres. jet grounded in Austria over rumou...

The Resident: Big Brother license plates