Saturday, February 11, 2017

Shut Up, Senator Rubio

Shut Up, Senator Rubio

The appointment of Betsy DeVos as education secretary doesn’t need further debate.  The left-wing socialist rainbow, global warming, LGBT, pro-vaccination, same-sex marriage curriculum would be in jeopardy with her confirmation.

America Is Ruled by a Death Cult

America Is Ruled by a Death Cult

I’m not arguing that it’s unfair or wrong to protest Trump, but want to make the deeper point that some people recognize this as the result of social engineering and media-based mind control. The obvious question is: how is it possible that all of the Obama gang’s war crimes were never called fascistic and never massively protested? How is it possible that millions were kept in a deep trance and suddenly activated into enraged bloodthirsty revolutionaries? It’s Guy Debord’s prophecy[quoted on p.305 of Valentine’s book] come true: “Yet the highest ambition of the integrated spectacle is still to turn secret agents into revolutionaries and revolutionaries into secret agents.” This anti-Trump scenario goes a big step further by turning average citizens who think they’re being progressive and moral into revolutionaries and secret agents! They’re not only protesting against Trump but for the serial war criminal Clinton, who was the obvious Establishment choice. That’s what makes this protest so sinister.

Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the GOP

Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the GOP

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Trump’s Sorehead Senate Enemies

Trump’s Sorehead Senate Enemies

A group of prominent US senators is leading a bipartisan effort to push through the so-called Russia Review Act, which would allow the Senate to veto any attempt of newcomer President Donald Trump to loosen sanctions on Moscow.
The group, which currently consists of six senators, is growing, according to a report by CNN, which sees the initiative as Congress’ latest warning to Trump signifying that it will not tolerate unilateral moves by the executive branch to reconcile with ...........

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What’s With Donald Trump?

What’s With Donald Trump?

In two weeks, many things have begun, often in the greatest discretion. The booming declarations of President Trump and his team deliberately spread confusion and enabled him to ensure that the nominations of his collaborators were confirmed by a partially hostile Congress.
We must understand that it’s a fight to the death between two systems that has just begun in Washington. Let’s leave the Atlantist Press to comment on the often contradictory and incoherent statements by this one or that, and look at the facts on their own.

Prepare To Resist

Prepare To Resist

All of the definitional conditions of terrorism are satisfied by the violent left.  First, there is violence.  Second, the agents of this violence are non-state actors.  Third, the violence is directed against civilians, i.e. noncombatants.  Finally, far from being purposeless, the violence is designed to alter government policy.
These are the characteristics that distinguish terrorism from every other class of violent action.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Left Hates Your Guts

The Left Hates Your Guts

Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hateyou. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

Are Leftists Irrational?

Are Leftists Irrational?

The useful idiots are all over the place, but that’s exactly what they are, mere stage extras. They are impressionable adolescents, Hollywood airheads, middle-aged women who want to “assert themselves,” perpetually incited racial minorities, and Muslim activists. Many of them can be mobilized at the drop of a pin to “march for tolerance,” however that term is interpreted by those who organize the march and by politicians, like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who seek to increase their influence through well-prepared displays of “righteous indignation.” Please note that Schumer’s obstructionist tactics in the Senate, blocking or delaying cabinet nominees and threatening to shoot down Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, have been applied to the accompaniment of non-stop anti-Trump protests. Only a fool or unthinking partisan would believe these events are unrelated.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Left Is Self-Destructing

The Left Is Self-Destructing

One might think that Amnesty International should be fighting against the Bush/Cheney/Obama regime wars that have produced the refugees by killing and displacing millions of Muslims. For example, the ongoing war that Obama inflicted on Yemen results in the death of one Yemeni child every 10 minutes, according to UNICEF. Where is Amnesty International?