Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dental care

Dental care
Learn about the "miracle" of Ozone Dentistry
OraJuvenate is made by generating ozone with a coronal discharge mechanism, then infusing or "trapping" the ozone inside the organic esters of jojoba. The jojoba "stabilizes" the ozone, capturing it and concentrating it into a form that can be easily applied to your gums or skin.
OraJuvenate offers amazing benefits for gum health. Simply massage it along your gum line, using a finger, right before you go to bed each night. The ozonated Jojoba works while you sleep. Many people also apply ozone directly to problem areas of their teeth.
As it turns out, there's an exciting new field of dentistry called ozone dentistry. This involves nothing more than squirting ozonated water onto cavities using an FDA-approved dental device. This ozone kills the bacteria in the cavity and in many cases avoids the usual drilling and filling of cavities altogether, say dentists.
Check out this local ABC News story from Fresno, California, which says:
A Fresno dentist is taking the pain out of cavity treatment, with a process that uses air and water. The technique drastically reduces the need for drilling and filling. Some of patients find it hard to believe, until they see the results. Dr. William Netzley is using a pain-free technique called Ozone Dentistry with specially treated air and water that even he admits sounds too good to be true.

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