Wednesday, February 13, 2013

LAPD orders media to stand down before burning Christopher Dorner alive | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World

LAPD orders media to stand down before burning Christopher Dorner alive | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World
 None of this justifies Dorner’s actions, of course. Making a kill list and murdering people is no way to handle things in a civilized country… unless, of course, you’re President Barack Obama, in which case you get a bunch of DoJ lawyers to issue a 16-page memo ”legalizing” your own private kill list that “authorizes” the murder of American citizens.

Chris Dorner

evidence so far

So here’s what we know:
1) The LAPD engaged in a wild, frenzied attempt to execute Dorner. This resulted in LAPD officers engaging in the attempted murder of innocent civilians, including one surfer and two women in a pickup truck. (Question: Why are LAPD officers who shot at innocent citizens not being charged with attempted murder?)
2) Once Dorner was holed up in a cabin, the LAPD chose to fire tear gas canisters into the home instead of waiting him out and forcing a surrender after a long standoff.
3) LAPD officers know full well that tear gas canisters can set off fires.
4) Once the fire broke out, Dorner was a dead man. If he fled the fire, he would be shot down by the LAPD. If he stayed in the cabin, he would be burned alive. This is the new brand of “justice” the LAPD is dishing out in 2013.

 Dorner also forgot to call his actions “peace.” See, if you kill a bunch of Americans without calling it “peace,” then you get chased by the police. But if you call it “peace,” as Obama does, you win a Nobel Peace Prize. And then the bombs you drop on children in the Middle East are called “peace bombs.”

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