Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Saudi 9/11 Coverup

The Saudi 9/11 Coverup

In fact the Saudis are playing a dangerous double game, claiming to be US allies in the war on terror at the same time funding terrorist groups that espouse a violent Wahhabi Islamic ideology that is particular to Saudi Arabia.  At the same time, they have used their money and influence to shield the truth from the American people.  With their huge contributions to the Clintons, they hope to do it again.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Blueprint for Locking Down America

The Blueprint for Locking Down America

Unfortunately, with the Constitution under constant attack, the military’s power, influence and authority have grown dramatically. Even the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which makes it a crime for the government to use the military to carry out arrests, searches, seizure of evidence and other activities normally handled by a civilian police force, has been weakened by both Barack Obama and George W. Bush, who ushered in exemptions allowing troops to deploy domestically and arrest civilians in the wake of alleged terrorist acts.

Will the Feds Take-Down Alternative Medicine?

Will the Feds Take-Down Alternative Medicine?

That stance may be poised to change: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is this week holding a public meeting to evaluate “whether and how to adjust the current enforcement policies” to keep up with the growing homeopathic industry and a corresponding increase in safety problems. Since 2009, the FDA has sent nearly 40 warning notices to homeopathic manufacturers and has overseen three recalls. Pulled products include zinc cold remedies that caused people to lose their sense of smell and “teething tablets” with toxic levels of the plant belladonna.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Really Evil Empire

The Really Evil Empire

Contrary to American assurances, economic warfare against Russia meant to compel the return of Crimea to Ukraine hasn’t worked. Nor did the Ukrainian military’s campaign against the Donbas tame the Russian “aggression” mainstream media shouts about daily.  All Europe has achieved to date is tens of billions in lost trade and Russia’s abandonment of the South Stream pipeline.

The Imperial Whim of Death

The Imperial Whim of Death

President Obama has established a secret process that involves officials from the Departments of Justice and Defense, the CIA, and the White House senior staff whereby candidates are proposed for execution, and the collective wisdom of the officials then recommends execution to the president, who then accepts or rejects the recommendation.

The Wisdom of Marc Faber

The Wisdom of Marc Faber

To be sure, there is nothing conventional about Faber. He obtained a PhD magna cum laude in economics at the University of Zurich at the age of 24. After riding through multiple market cycles from New York to Hong Kong, he made a name for canny market predictions and investment foresight.

Got Pain?

Got Pain?

The Pharma-Feds-Vaccination Threat

The Pharma-Feds-Vaccination Threat

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Cost Will Be Dire

The Cost Will Be Dire

Jim Grant ‘unedited’…  
“If companies can’t fail that means somebody else can’t start. You’re looking at a petrified forest rather than dynamic capitalism,

Friday, April 3, 2015

You Can’t Live Without It

You Can’t Live Without It

Some experts say Vitamin D not only helps in bone health but can also aid in heart, brain, and immune system function, even noting that lower levels can be associated with asthma.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Goodbye FICO, Hello FAKE-O

Goodbye FICO, Hello FAKE-O

To be sure, the good folks at Santander Consumer and American Credit Acceptance (among others) are doing everything they can possibly do to get underqualified borrowers into used cars even if it means extending terms that will land some of these proud new owners in vehicles they absolutely cannot afford given their financial circumstances. This is all made possible of course by the Wall Street securitization machine which has churned out some $5 billion in subprime auto-backed issuance YTD, with a recent deal from Santander Consumer (DRIVE 2015-A) marking the lender’s return to the frightening world of “deep” subprime. As a reminder, here are two recent ABS deals which epitomize what’s wrong with this industry:

Superbug Killer

Superbug Killer

Dating back to the the 10th century, the recipe for the remedy demands garlic, onions, and leek combined with wine and the bile of a cow’s stomach. In other words, it’s known infection crushers mixed with an odd combination of bile. A weird recipe that actually works to not only clear up eye infections and styes at large, but kills MRSA superbugs.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It’s a Doomsday Machine

It’s a Doomsday Machine

Yellen said gradual hikes are likely this year, but that the central bank will move cautiously……. the PBOC governor said he saw “more room” for China to ease policy if the economy stays soft and inflation continues to weaken.
Its just that frightfully simple. If any of the major central banks anywhere on the planet ease or even hint they might, the robo machines and day traders unleash an avalanche of buy orders and the stock averages jerk higher.
Indeed, Zero Hedge captured the motion succinctly this AM. In keeping with Bernanke’s inaugural blog revelation that 98% of monetary policy consists of “open mouth” operations, the markets leapt upwards on cue. That is, if central banker jaws are flapping, then buy!

The Stage Is Set for Another Big War

The Stage Is Set for Another Big War

This new expansion of the war in Yemen is a bad sign. The situation could easily worsen, involve many countries, and last for a long time to come. The stage for the “Big War” may well be set and we will be hearing a lot more about Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula in the coming months. If this war gets out of hand, I would expect that the benefits of $45 per barrel of oil will soon end. There is no doubt in my mind that the American people — financially and for security reasons — would be better served if we just came home and avoided these nonsensical military interventions that are carried out in behalf of various special interests that control our foreign policy.

An Epic Reversal of Fortunes is Nigh

An Epic Reversal of Fortunes is Nigh

Should I Buy My Dream Home Now?

Should I Buy My Dream Home Now?

Now we come to your question of a long term low interest mortgage on a larger home in today’s current economic climate.  Dad once said (he was quoting someone and the name eludes me) that there are two ways to deal with the bank.  The first is to owe them nothing the second is to owe them 110% of all you own – anywhere in the middle is a dangerous place.  Keep in mind that Dad was a banker in the late 1960’s.  In other words if you owe them 110% of your loan they will work with you and extend you terms and do everything possible to avoid foreclosing on you because they will suffer a loss.  If on the other hand you borrow 50% from the bank and put up 50% of your funds you are in a perilous condition.  If your investment suffers a 40% loss and you cannot pay they will swoop down, foreclose and sell your property at a discount where they will recover all their capital and you will loose all of your capital.  Just keep this in mind.

To Subdue Rebellious Citizens

To Subdue Rebellious Citizens

According to the presentation, the eight-week training program involves Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets), Air Force Special Operations Command, Marine Special Operations Command, Marine Expeditionary Units, the 82nd Airborne Division, and unspecified “interagency partners.” Underneath the logo for the Jade Helm drills, a sword with two arrows crossing it, it reads: “Master the Human Domain.” What exactly that means was not clear, but at least some critics of the exercise have suggested it may be a euphemism for subjugating the population of the United States. Indeed, as other analysts have noted, citing available information, the drill almost certainly has nothing to do with defending the Southern border from invasion. The few details that have been provided, though, are causing concern among analysts.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Monetary Mumbo-Jumbo

Monetary Mumbo-Jumbo.  Must read

2015 was supposed to be the year in which all the strands came together to create a real recovery, an environment in which rate hikes would be a certainty. But anyone who looks past the rosy rhetoric can see that the economy is currently in one of its weakest periods in years.  The first few months of 2015 have seen more missed economic forecasts than any other comparable period since the depths of the Great Recession. Industrial production, retail sales, housing starts, just to name a few, are all continually weakening according to data from Reuters Polls, 3/18/15. In fact, the Atlanta Fed’s much talked about “GDPNow” data set, which was supposed to provide a fresh real-time look at the economy, is showing that the economy is growing at a paltry .3% annualized rate. While many people are blaming the result on the winter weather, much as they did last year, it is worthwhile to note that ice and snow in winter is not a new phenomenon.

Monetary Mumbo-Jumbo

Monetary Mumbo-Jumbo

By simultaneously claiming to be both aggressive and defensive, and to be moving forward even while standing still, Yellen positioned the Fed as being all things to all people, thereby igniting a rally in all asset classes at the same time. Stocks, bonds, gold, foreign currencies, all went up when Yellen took to the podium. While this may be the way to win friends and influence people on Wall Street, it’s no way to finally put the economy back on the path to a sustainable recovery.

The bottoms not in

The Bottom's Not In------Why This Market Is Dumber Than A Mule - Contra Corner PM Edition - March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015
To get the rest of the story visit Contra Corner
^SPX Chart

The Bottom's Not In------Why This Market Is Dumber Than A Mule

By David Stockman
They're trying to put in a bottom-----again! The sell-off earlier this week amounted to the sixth sizeable "dip" since November 20----so the market's ingrained reflex was back at work buying up the "bargains". But the roundtrip to the flat-line shown below is not a classic wall of worry and its not a "bottom" that's being put in. This market is dumber than a mule, and the nation's central bank and …

Did you know Obama just took new executive action on immigration? |

Did you know Obama just took new executive action on immigration? |

Obama intends to make it easier to bring more foreign guest workers to the United States — likely at significant cost to workers already here — by loosening the rules governing something known as the L-1B visa program. Under the program, a multinational company with offices in the United States can move workers from abroad to live and work in the U.S. for as long as five years in what is known as an intra-company transfer. There are almost no rules concerning what those workers can be paid, so there is no barrier to a company firing American employees and bringing in workers from foreign facilities to replace them at much lower pay.

Supreme Court grants unanimous win for common sense |

Supreme Court grants unanimous win for common sense |

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mind the margins

Mind The Margins—–Corporate Profits Are Due For A Fall

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Yesterday, I discussed the valuation report issued by the Office of Financial Research which contained several important statements about the risk to investors in overvalued markets. To wit:
“Markets can change rapidly and unpredictably. When these changes occur, they are sharpest and most damaging when asset valuations are at extreme highs. High valuations have important implications for expected investment returns and, potentially, for financial stability.”
There was one particular chart that really grabbed my attention which was the ratio of corporate profits to GDP.

Where’s the Outrage?

Where’s the Outrage?

The common themes here are government spying and lawlessness. We now know that the Israelis spied on Secretary of State John Kerry, and so Netanyahu knew of what he spoke. We know that the Clintons believe there is a set of laws for them and another for the rest of us, and so Mrs. Clinton could credibly believe that her deception and destruction would go unpunished.

Pilot Locked Out of Cockpit

Pilot Locked Out of Cockpit

Friday, March 20, 2015

Boom Is Always Followed by Bust

Boom Is Always Followed by Bust

But unlike the financial media’s dopey dithering about “dot plots”, Yellen at least has something to hide behind all the gibberish.  Namely, she and her merry band of money printers are becoming more petrified each month that they will trigger a thundering Wall Street hissy fit if they move to “normalize” interest rates—-even as they are slowly beginning to realize that continuance of ZIRP much longer will only intensify the market’s addiction to rampant speculation, free money carry trades and the associated risks to financial stability.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

US Power Elite Seeks Global Domination

US Power Elite Seeks Global Domination

Consider an Executive Order issued by Obama on March 9, 2015 that sanctions seven Venezuelans. Nothing in it that explains the sanctions has any credibility. It is totally a fog of propaganda and diversion from the actual goals that are never mentioned. The first sentence in the Fact Sheet is simply ridiculous and a total fabrication that no sensible person can possibly believe:
“President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela.”

The Economic War Against Russia

The Economic War Against Russia

It has been a year since the US economic war against Russia began by the West. Which objectives have been set and have they been achieved?
I would suggest the objectives have been three fold but in fact I would date the sanctions war from Friday August 30, 2013. This was when President Putin offered a peaceful alternative at the last moment to stop the US military operation against Bashar al-Assad and Syria that was within hours of starting. Surprisingly the US called off the attack and this set in motion a series of events contrary to the goals of the US administration. I believe both Russia and China covertly played the Treasury debt card in order to protect their client states, Syria and Iran, from the impending US invasion.

Habitual Stranger to the Truth

Habitual Stranger to the Truth

What if when she claimed her husband’s email server had never been hacked she didn’t know what she was talking about? What if victims can’t always tell when they’ve been hacked? What if the persons with whom she has been emailing have been hacked? What if one of her former aides — with the lurid nickname of the “prince of darkness” (real name: Sid Blumenthal) — was hacked? What if among the hacked emails of the Prince of Darkness were some to and from Clinton strategizing about the way to portray her role at the time of the assassination in Benghazi of the American ambassador to Libya?
What if all this lawlessness and secrecy was orchestrated by Clinton herself — a person devoid of a moral compass and disdainful of compliance with law and a habitual stranger to the truth? What if she is presently the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for president? What if the Democrats don’t care?

The Empire Is Cracking Up

The Empire Is Cracking Up

Washington’s EU vassals might be finding their backbone. Britain, Germany, France, and Italy are reported to have defied Washington’s orders and applied to join the Chinese-led Asian Investment Bank. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and Luxembourg might also join.
Washington uses its development banks such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, along with the IMF, in order to exercise financial and political hegemony. These banks are crucial elements of American economic and political imperialism.

Will She or Won’t She?

Will She or Won’t She?

The Fed is simply biding its time until it unleashes QE4. “Everybody is operating on this false premise that we have a legitimate recovery and the Fed is going to raise rates. In fact, we have a bubble and not only will the Fed not raise rates, they will blow more air in the form of QE4.”

Friday, March 13, 2015

High-Intensity Walking

High-Intensity Walking

The program consisted of repeated intervals of three minutes of fast walking, aiming for an exertion level of about six or seven on a scale of one to 10, followed by three minutes of slow strolling. The results turned out to be very promising. As reported by the New York Times:1
“In their original experiment, the results of which were published in 2007, walkers between the ages of 44 and 78 completed five sets of intervals, for a total of 30 minutes of walking at least three times a week.
A separate group of older volunteers walked at a continuous, moderate pace, equivalent to about a 4 on the same exertion scale.
After five months, the fitness and health of the older, moderate group had barely improved. The interval walkers, however, significantly improved aerobic fitness, leg strength and blood-pressure readings.”

The Lying Fed

The Lying Fed

With the economy now clearly losing steam, based on the drop in GDP from 3rd to 4th quarters, and general macro data coming in very weak (Zero Hedge, 2/18/15), I believe the Fed wants desperately to move those goalposts. But after a series of seemingly strong jobs reports, culminating with a strong 295,000 jobs in February, the market expects that “patient” will soon disappear from the statement. The Fed wants to comply, thereby signaling that everything is fine. But at the same time it doesn’t want the markets to conclude that rate hikes are imminent when it does.
In other words, they are searching for a way to drop the word “patient” without communicating a loss of patience. What? This is like a driver telling other drivers that she plans on engaging her turn signal before making a left, but then wonders how to hit the blinker without actually creating an expectation that a turn is imminent. 

El Commandante and the Killary Emails

El Commandante and the Killary Emails

By using her personal email address — — she kept her work documents from the government. Concealing government documents from the government when you work for it is a felony, punishable by up to three years in prison and permanent disqualification from holding public office.
Failing to secure classified secrets in a government-approved facility or moving them to a non-secure facility outside the government’s control is a misdemeanor, punishable by a hefty fine and a year in jail. Using a false email address that gives the clear impression that the user is not using a government server when she is, or one that creates the false impression that the emailer is using a government server when she is not, is also a felony.



Let’s be perfectly clear. The United States is not actually at war with ISIS. As Global Research director, economist and author Michel Chossudovsky plainly points out recently, Obama is simply waging “a fake war” against the Islamic State forces, putting on another propaganda show for mainstream media to keep his flock of American sheeple asleep in echo-chambered darkness. With a mere cursory review of recent historical events, one can readily realize that virtually everything Big Government tells us is happening in the world, you can bet is a boldface lie.

Here Comes the Tax Per Mile

Here Comes the Tax Per Mile

Oregon – home of things uber trendy – has become the first state to begin dunning motorists by the mile rather than by the gallon.
The “pilot” program begins July 1 — and will be implemented by the Oregon DOT in partnership with something called Sanef ITS Technologies America and Intelligent Mechatronic Systems. Sounds a lot like Cyberdyne Systems from the Terminator movies, doesn’t it? And the similarities run a lot deeper than that.

Greece Is More Solvent Than the US

Greece Is More Solvent Than the US

“This declaration of national insolvency will, no doubt, shock those of you who use the officially reported federal debt as the measuring stick for what our country owes,” Kotlikoff told committee members who are considering President Obama’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2016.”After all, federal debt in the hands of the public is only 74 percent of GDP. Yes, this is double the debt-to-GDP ratio recorded a decade ago. But it’s still a far cry from Italy’s 135 debt-to-GDP ratio or Greece’s 175 percent ratio.”

The 9/11 Commission Didn’t Believe the Government

The 9/11 Commission Didn’t Believe the Government

  • The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) – who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry – said“At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened“. He also said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”

Friday, March 6, 2015

5 Myths of Aging

5 Myths of Aging

Scientists from Tufts University conducted a review and discovered that vitamin deficiencies — not brain decay — were responsible for many of the symptoms of senility.
According to the review, scientists discovered that low folate levels in the elderly can cause forgetfulness and even depression. Vitamin B6, required for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, may contribute to peripheral neuropathy, a disorder of the nervous system that causes numbness and tingling in the legs. Vitamin B12 ensures nerves are protected with a myelin sheath and mood disturbances can occur when levels fall well below normal.

Eat More Salt!

Eat More Salt!

A high-salt diet increased sodium accumulation in the skin of mice, thereby boosting their immune response to a skin-infecting parasite. The findings suggest that dietary salt could have therapeutic potential to promote host defense against microbial infections.

When El Supremo Is a Lone Wolf

When El Supremo Is a Lone Wolf

This week, the president’s press secretary told reporters that the president is seriously thinking of signing executive orders intended to raise taxes on corporations by directing the IRS to redefine tax terminology so as to increase corporate tax burdens. He must have forgotten that those additional taxes would be paid by either the shareholders or the customers of those corporations, and those shareholders and customers elected a Congress they had every right to expect would be writing the tax laws. He has eviscerated that right.

Planning To Retire?

Planning To Retire?

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College estimates that more than half of all American households will not have enough retirement income to maintain the living standards they were accustomed to before retirement, even if the members of the household work until 65, two years longer than the average retirement age today.
Using a different, more complex model, the Employee Benefit Research Institute calculates that 83 percent of baby boomers and Generation Xers in the bottom fourth of the income distribution will eventually run short of money. Higher up on the income scale, people also face challenges: More than a quarter of those with incomes between the middle of the income distribution and the 75th percentile will probably run short.

Exposing O’Reilly

Exposing O’Reilly

In March 1977, As the House Select Committee on Assassination began its interviews of de Mohrenschildt, he was found dead, a gunshot through his cranium. In his book, O Reilly claimed that as a young reporter he was standing on the porch of the house where de Mohrenschildt was staying when he heard the shot.  The claim has been disproved through a recorded phone conversation between O’Reilly and congressional investigator Gaeton Fonzi  which revealed that the young journalist was clearly not even in the state when de Mohrenschildt died.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How’s That Deflation Working Out for You?

How’s That Deflation Working Out for You?

The BLS put out their monthly CPI lie last week. They issued the proclamation that inflation is dead. Did you know your costs are 0.1% lower than they were one year ago. They then used these deflation numbers to proclaim your real wages soared last month. It’s all good. The American consumer is so flush with cash, they decided to spend less money for the second month in a row.

Housing Bust Redux?

Housing Bust Redux?

As noted last week, the aggregate amount of loans for new and used cars will in short order eclipse the $1 trillion mark, joining total student debt in full-on bubble mode. Better still, early delinquencies on auto loans are now sitting back at their 2008 highs (both for all borrowers and for subprime borrowers, with 9% of the latter now missing a payment within the first 8 months of origination).

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are You Stricken With Carb Cravings?

Are You Stricken With Carb Cravings?

Do you often feel incomplete in the morning without eating some bread or cereal? Do you regularly find yourself purchasing a candy bar just to cope with your mid-afternoon slump? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” you’re not alone: An overwhelming majority of people in the Western world are addicted to the short-term energy boosts that carbohydrates are well-known for providing. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Don’t Remind Gerald Celente

Don’t Remind Gerald Celente

A Close Encounter With Jon Corzine
We got caught in the MF Global debacle as a client of their UK subsidiary. Little did we know at the time that our view of the financial markets would change forever – as a result of faulty regulations and, above all, faulty bosses.

Don’t Remind Gerald Celente

Don’t Remind Gerald Celente

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Horrific Debt and Global Disorder

Horrific Debt and Global Disorder

In Part One of this article I laid the groundwork of the Fourth Turning generational theory. I refuted President Obama’s claim that the shadow of crisis has passed. The shadow grows ever larger and will engulf the world in darkness in the coming years. The Crisis will be fueled by the worsening debt, civic decay and global disorder. I will address these issues in this article.

Thursday, January 22, 2015