Monday, November 24, 2014

The Real JFK Mystery

The Real JFK Mystery

Fascism USA

Fascism USA

Lew Rockwell, in his important book, Fascism versus Capitalism, argues that the United States rather than having a capitalist economy, at its core has a fascist economy:

Opening the Gates of Hell

Opening the Gates of Hell
A Russian foreign ministry official condemned Washington’s reckless decision to supply weapons to Kiev as a violation of agreements that would make a political resolution of the conflict less likely. This statement is perplexing. It implies that the Russian government has not yet figured out that Washington has no interest in resolving the conflict. Washington’s purpose is to use the hapless Ukrainians against Russia. The worse the conflict becomes, the happier Washington is.
The Russian government made a bet that Europe would come to its senses and the conflict would be peacefully resolved. The Russian government has lost that bet and must immediately move to preempt a worsening crisis by uniting the separatists provinces with Russia or by reading the riot act to Europe.
It would be a costly humiliation for the Russian government to abandon the ethnic Russians to a military assault. If Russia stands aside while Donetsk and Luhansk are destroyed, the next attack will be on Crimea. By the time Russia is forced to fight Russia will face a better armed, better prepared, and more formidable foe.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

We’re at War With the European Central Bank

We’re at War With the European Central Bank

Next week, Italy’s Beppe Grillo – the leader of the Italian Five Star Movement – will start collecting signatures with the aim of getting a referendum in Italy on leaving the euro “as soon as possible,” just as was done in 1989. As Grillo tells The BBC in this brief but stunning clip, “we will leave the Euro and bring down this system of bankers, of scum.” With two-thirds of Parliament apparently behind the plan, Grillo exclaims “we are dying, we need a Plan B to this Europe that has become a nightmare -  and we are implementing it,” raging that “we are not at war with ISIS or Russia! We are at war with the European Central Bank,” that has stripped us of our sovereignty.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Gruberization of Government: Obamacare elitists openly admit voters were too stupid to realize they were being lied to -

The Gruberization of Government: Obamacare elitists openly admit voters were too stupid to realize they were being lied to - NaturalNews.comA

California governor bans commercial GM salmon production -

California governor bans commercial GM salmon production -

AquaBounty Technologies has inserted genes from eelpout and Pacific Chinook salmon into Atlantic salmon (the variety of salmon that is widely farmed) in order to make the farmed fish produce abnormal quantities of growth hormone and grow up to six times faster. The company is currently seeking FDA approval to market GM salmon in the United States.

Learn more:

Eric Holder the 2nd?

Eric Holder the 2nd?

Today, the opposite is the case. When the feds want something, they bully the states aside, and when the feds get away with something, the states will soon follow. Today, the states are powerless to check federal excess, and so Attorney General Holder became President Obama’s enabler in some of the most egregious violations of the natural law, the Constitution and federal law in modern American history. Today, the attorney general — often called “General” by law enforcement — commands an army of 90,000 lawyers, FBI agents, investigators, clerks, pilots, even troops. There are currently in excess of 4,000 federal criminal statutes for her to enforce, and she sets the tone for law enforcement throughout the country.
Hence, I suggest to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that they permit Lynch to distinguish herself from Holder by inducing her to answer the following questions:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Is Switzerland Arming Itself?

Is Switzerland Arming Itself?

Especially the financial sectors and big industry need to import foreigners. Of course, not hamburger flippers – those they want to keep out – but highly qualified professionals and researchers, for which they would like having an open door.
The Swiss Government is now struggling to find ways on how to accommodate their EU interests – huge business interests to be associated with the EU – and at the same time to follow the decision of the people. It will not be easy. Brussels is not ready for compromises.

A Defining Moment for Libertarians

A Defining Moment for Libertarians

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Action Whey™ with BioCysteine3® (Vanilla) 12oz (345g)

Action Whey™ with BioCysteine3® (Vanilla) 12oz (345g)

Action Whey™ with BioCysteine3® (Vanilla) 12oz (345g)

Action Whey™ with BioCysteine3® (Vanilla) 12oz (345g)

End the Empire, End the Wars

End the Empire, End the Wars

Lest this line of thought be misunderstood, we should be clear that the “threat” from China is not to the existence or to the prosperity of the U.S. but to its global domination. China’s rise does not mean that the U.S. need become less prosperous; in fact it can mean greater prosperity for the U.S. Unfortunately, this kind of win-win situation is unacceptable to the imperial elite, since the termination of the U.S. role as global hegemon would reduce them to denizens of a sleepy little town on the Potomac.

Bread, Circuses, and Bombs

Bread, Circuses, and Bombs

“In their propaganda today’s dictators rely for the most part on repetition, suppression and rationaliza­tion — the repetition of catchwords which they wish to be accepted as true, the suppression of facts which they wish to be ignored, the arousal and rationaliza­tion of passions which may be used in the interests of the Party or the State. As the art and science of manip­ulation come to be better understood, the dictators of the future will doubtless learn to combine these tech­niques with the non-stop distractions which, in the West, are now threatening to drown in a sea of irrele­vance the rational propaganda essential to the mainten­ance of individual liberty and the survival of demo­cratic institutions.”

When Newspapers Follow the CIA Line

When Newspapers Follow the CIA Line

More Private Guns, Fewer Government Wars

More Private Guns, Fewer Government Wars

The Last Nail in the Coffin?

The Last Nail in the Coffin?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pandemic Preparedness FREE Online How-To Course -

Pandemic Preparedness FREE Online How-To Course -

Episode 9: The Ebola vaccine fraud -

Episode 9: The Ebola vaccine fraud -

Episode 8: Dealing with the social panic -

Episode 8: Dealing with the social panic -

Episode 8: Dealing with the social panic -

Episode 8: Dealing with the social panic -

Episode 7: How to stop suppressing your immune system and start building up cellular defenses against pandemic infections -

Episode 7: How to stop suppressing your immune system and start building up cellular defenses against pandemic infections -

Episode 6: Antiviral herbal medicines vs. Ebola and other viral pandemics -

Episode 6: Antiviral herbal medicines vs. Ebola and other viral pandemics -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 5: The failed medical response to the Ebola pandemic -

Episode 4: Government response to pandemics: forced vaccinations and martial law -

Episode 4: Government response to pandemics: forced vaccinations and martial law -

Episode 3: Ebola as a bioweapon, government quarantines and executive orders -

Episode 3: Ebola as a bioweapon, government quarantines and executive orders -

Episode 2: Pandemic Preparedness -

Episode 2: Pandemic Preparedness -

Episode 6: Antiviral herbal medicines vs. Ebola and other viral pandemics -

Episode 6: Antiviral herbal medicines vs. Ebola and other viral pandemics -

Learning the symptoms of Ebola and how to avoid it could save your life -

Learning the symptoms of Ebola and how to avoid it could save your life -

Suspected Ebola patient now in isolation at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital -

Suspected Ebola patient now in isolation at Dallas Presbyterian Hospital -

Learning the symptoms of Ebola and how to avoid it could save your life -

Learning the symptoms of Ebola and how to avoid it could save your life -

LRC’s 10 Best-Read Articles

LRC’s 10 Best-Read Articles

Using a Fake Threat To Justify Aggression

Using a Fake Threat To Justify Aggression

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Number of Ebola cases is 'increasing exponentially,' World Health Organization warns -

Number of Ebola cases is 'increasing exponentially,' World Health Organization warns -

Lew Rockwell : U.S. Govt More Dangerous Than ISIS

Lew Rockwell : U.S. Govt More Dangerous Than ISIS

The Whole Story Behind The MH17 Disaster

The Whole Story Behind The MH17 Disaster

Whistleblower says fake GEDs used in Atlanta Public Works

Whistleblower says fake GEDs used in Atlanta Public Works

Examining the Administration’s Treatment of Whistleblowers | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

Examining the Administration’s Treatment of Whistleblowers | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform

First case of Ebola confirmed in Senegal as spread of deadly virus rapidly accelerates -

First case of Ebola confirmed in Senegal as spread of deadly virus rapidly accelerates -

Mystery virus EV-D68 exploding among vaccinated children; U.S. medical system clueless without a vaccine -

Mystery virus EV-D68 exploding among vaccinated children; U.S. medical system clueless without a vaccine -

Big Food tripled spending this year to stifle growing GMO labeling movement -

Big Food tripled spending this year to stifle growing GMO labeling movement -

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bribery in America

Bribery in America

Ron Paul Takes Down Another Neocon

Ron Paul Takes Down Another Neocon

The Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights?

Paul Craig Roberts -- Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

Paul Craig Roberts -- Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

Nomi Prins -- All the Presidents Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

Nomi Prins -- All the Presidents Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

Nomi Prins -- All the Presidents Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

Nomi Prins -- All the Presidents Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

The Bilderberg have lost Control -- Mike Rivero

The Bilderberg have lost Control -- Mike Rivero

Even trace amounts of mercury cause infertility, brain impairment in songbirds -

Even trace amounts of mercury cause infertility, brain impairment in songbirds -

Bt corn threatens aquatic ecosystem in the heartland

Bt corn threatens aquatic ecosystem in the heartland

‘Smart’ meters threaten privacy, health and human rights

‘Smart’ meters threaten privacy, health and human rights

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Michael Lewis explains how The Stock Market is Rigged

Michael Lewis explains how The Stock Market is Rigged

A Scheme for US Domination

A Scheme for US Domination

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

Avoid the Obamacare Penalty

LRC’s Bestselling Books

LRC’s Bestselling Books

The Evil of NATO

The Evil of NATO

The Evil of NATO

The Evil of NATO

Max Keiser Report: Bring Back The Guillotine - Bitcoin Fight Night

Max Keiser Report: Bring Back The Guillotine - Bitcoin Fight Night

End of U.S. Dollar & Collapse of Civilization as We Know It | James Corbett

End of U.S. Dollar & Collapse of Civilization as We Know It | James Corbett


FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just ...: GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just About Making Pink Guns


FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just ...: GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just About Making Pink Guns

GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just About Making Pink Guns

GUN SALES to WOMEN are ON THE RISE - Its Not Just About Making Pink Guns

Agenda 21 -- Ebola Outbreak In West Africa Being Call "Unprecedented" People Urged Not To Panic!

Agenda 21 -- Ebola Outbreak In West Africa Being Call "Unprecedented" People Urged Not To Panic!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Rand Paul : The NSA is collecting the records of every American

Rand Paul : The NSA is collecting the records of every American

QE Was Designed To Enrich the 1%

QE Was Designed To Enrich the 1%

QE Was Designed To Enrich the 1%

QE Was Designed To Enrich the 1%

PROPHECY ALERT: Israel Closes All 102 Embassies "War With Iran"?

PROPHECY ALERT: Israel Closes All 102 Embassies "War With Iran"?

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More

The Collapse is around The Corner -- SHEEPLE Will be Slaughtered. Controlled by Propaganda

The Collapse is around The Corner -- SHEEPLE Will be Slaughtered. Controlled by Propaganda

Russ Tice -- Why I Decided to Blow the Whistle on the NSA

Russ Tice -- Why I Decided to Blow the Whistle on the NSA

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Peter schiff

The red flags contained in the national and global headlines that have come out thus far in 2014 should have spooked investors and economic forecasters. Instead the markets have barely noticed. It seems that the majority opinion on Wall Street and Washington is that we have entered an era of good fortune made possible by the benevolent hand of the Federal Reserve. Ben Bernanke and now Janet Yellen have apparently removed all the economic rough edges that would normally draw blood. As a result of this monetary “baby-proofing,” a strong economy is no longer considered necessary for rising stock and real estate prices.

Scientists studying radiation in Japan are subject to 'insidious censorship'

Scientists studying radiation in Japan are subject to 'insidious censorship'

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Another Invisible Red Line" - (3/17/14)

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Another Invisible Red Line" - (3/17/14)

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place

As The Dollar Collapses The Next False Flag Falls Into Place

Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

Seeds Of COnflict

Seeds Of COnflict

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lindsey Williams -- Dr. Stan Monteith : Dr. Dean Murphy: The Devil's Poison

Lindsey Williams -- Dr. Stan Monteith : Dr. Dean Murphy: The Devil's Poison

The Death Squad Network Behind the JFK Assassination -- Ole Dammegård

The Death Squad Network Behind the JFK Assassination -- Ole Dammegård

Agenda 21 -- DEPOPULATION of Every City Worldwide

Agenda 21 -- DEPOPULATION of Every City Worldwide

Two Letters Re: Staying Mobile in a Collapse Situation

Two Letters Re: Staying Mobile in a Collapse Situation

VIDEO: Edward Snowden appears at TED Talk

VIDEO: Edward Snowden appears at TED Talk

Obama Admin Denies Record Number of FOIA Requests on Security Grounds

Obama Admin Denies Record Number of FOIA Requests on Security Grounds

Harry Dent -- Timetable For The Next Collapse

Harry Dent -- Timetable For The Next Collapse

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

LOUIS FARRAKHAN -- The U.S Dollar Is Worthless. Its Time To WAKE UP!

LOUIS FARRAKHAN -- The U.S Dollar Is Worthless. Its Time To WAKE UP!

Obama Imposes Sanctions, PUTIN TO DUMP DOLLAR? | Andy Hoffman

Obama Imposes Sanctions, PUTIN TO DUMP DOLLAR? | Andy Hoffman

Benjamin Fulford, March 18, 2014, Cabal backs down after threat of blockade of cabal controlled countries

Benjamin Fulford, March 18, 2014, Cabal backs down after threat of blockade of cabal controlled countries

Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse

Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse

Malaysia Air 777 May Have Flown at 5,000 Ft.

Malaysia Air 777 May Have Flown at 5,000 Ft.

Garlic as a Natural Remedy

Garlic as a Natural Remedy

Your campaign on MSNBC | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action

Your campaign on MSNBC | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action

Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War | The Daily Sheeple

Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War | The Daily Sheeple

Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War | The Daily Sheeple

Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War | The Daily Sheeple

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We Mapped Our Boss’ Office With This Slick New 3-D Camera

We Mapped Our Boss’ Office With This Slick New 3-D Camera

We Mapped Our Boss’ Office With This Slick New 3-D Camera

We Mapped Our Boss’ Office With This Slick New 3-D Camera

Propaganda, Lies and the New York Times: Everything you Really Need to Know About Ukraine

Propaganda, Lies and the New York Times: Everything you Really Need to Know About Ukraine

A Rare Intimate Glimpse Into Private Lives in Iran

A Rare Intimate Glimpse Into Private Lives in Iran

Data shows millions of Americans falling out of the workforce

Data shows millions of Americans falling out of the workforce

Breitbart: Ron Paul Talks Secession, Claims U.S. Helped Overthrow Ukrainian Government

Breitbart: Ron Paul Talks Secession, Claims U.S. Helped Overthrow Ukrainian Government

Massive Fraud Has Been Unveiled At The EPA (Again)

Massive Fraud Has Been Unveiled At The EPA (Again)



Fed Investigated FX Rigging Months Before Manipulation Was Exposed, Did Nothing

Fed Investigated FX Rigging Months Before Manipulation Was Exposed, Did Nothing

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Michel Chossudovsky -- Global Warfare & Economic Collapse 2014

Michel Chossudovsky -- Global Warfare & Economic Collapse 2014

Project MKULTRA Mind Control

Project MKULTRA Mind Control



Gerald Celente & Peter Schiff -- Economic Meltdown 2014 Financial Collapse

Gerald Celente & Peter Schiff -- Economic Meltdown 2014 Financial Collapse

Russia Responds to the Threats of US Sanctions

Russia Responds to the Threats of US Sanctions

The Flu Death Trap

The Flu Death Trap

WW3 UPDATE: US Halts Russia Military Agreements; Russia THREATEN DOLLAR & WARNING SHOTS FIRED

WW3 UPDATE: US Halts Russia Military Agreements; Russia THREATEN DOLLAR & WARNING SHOTS FIRED

Monday, February 10, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- The End of the Monetary System As We Know It

Economic Collapse 2014 -- The End of the Monetary System As We Know It

Gun Control 2014 - Alex Jones Show: Sunday (2-9-14) Full Show

Gun Control 2014 - Alex Jones Show: Sunday (2-9-14) Full Show

Economic Collapse 2014 -- The End of the Monetary System As We Know It

Economic Collapse 2014 -- The End of the Monetary System As We Know It

Fukushima Disaster -- The Horrible Truth About Fukushima by Helen Caldicott, MD

Fukushima Disaster -- The Horrible Truth About Fukushima by Helen Caldicott, MD

MOSSAD did 9/11 BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says

MOSSAD did 9/11 BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says

Stock Market Warning Signs: Record $444.9 Billion of Debt Is Now Invested in the Market

Stock Market Warning Signs: Record $444.9 Billion of Debt Is Now Invested in the Market

What Happened The Last Time The Unemployment Rate Dropped This Much

What Happened The Last Time The Unemployment Rate Dropped This Much

How Dangerous Is China’s Credit Bubble for the World?

How Dangerous Is China’s Credit Bubble for the World?

221 Percent Increase In One Year? Why Are So Many People Renouncing American Citizenship?

221 Percent Increase In One Year? Why Are So Many People Renouncing American Citizenship?

U.S. law on whistle-blowers could cost U.N. millions | The Japan Times

U.S. law on whistle-blowers could cost U.N. millions | The Japan Times

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ann Barnhardt ~ The Economy Is Going To Implode

Ann Barnhardt ~ The Economy Is Going To Implode

GLOBAL UPRISING 2014 -- Violence Sweeps Across BOSNIA as the People PROTEST

GLOBAL UPRISING 2014 -- Violence Sweeps Across BOSNIA as the People PROTEST

Studies show GMOs destroy human health

Studies show GMOs destroy human health

How to pack a whole lot of living into 221 square feet

How to pack a whole lot of living into 221 square feet

Heavy Metal Detox: Sharpen Your Mind, Reduce Cancer Risk and Banish Electromagnetic Sensitivity with These Tips

Heavy Metal Detox: Sharpen Your Mind, Reduce Cancer Risk and Banish Electromagnetic Sensitivity with These Tips

Fukushima Cesium-137 and West Coast Fishery: B.C. First Nations call for Radiation Tests

Fukushima Cesium-137 and West Coast Fishery: B.C. First Nations call for Radiation Tests

Anti-drone activists sent to jail in US

Anti-drone activists sent to jail in US

JIM ROGERS - The WORLD is Heading for FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON. Are You Prepared?

JIM ROGERS - The WORLD is Heading for FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON. Are You Prepared?